Propolis to prevent colds

Autumn came; preparations for a new era for employees began. The education period begins for young people and children of educational age. Therefore, we spend longer periods of time in closed and crowded environments such as public transport, shopping malls, classrooms or workplaces. On the other hand, the weather conditions that change even during the day due to the nature of autumn prepare the environment for us to get sick.

In fact, by taking the necessary precautions, it is possible to get over the cold without catching a cold or to overcome the complaints in a milder way. For this purpose, the use of “Propolis”, a hive product, has become popular in recent years. Propolis is a bee product produced by bees by processing resinous substances collected from the buds and stems of plants. Its purpose is to protect the hive against insects, microbes and external factors. Although the content of propolis may differ according to the source of the plants from which it is obtained, flavonoid and phenolic substances are considered as the main effective components. 

People have used Propolis for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, wound healer and antipyretic in the treatment of various diseases. After its importance in terms of human health has been revealed by scientific researches in recent years, there has been an increase in demand for propolis products. The most striking feature of propolis is that, in addition to its proven effectiveness against microbes (bacteria, fungi, viruses), it is effective for children, adults and older individuals in a wide range of biological effects, from the common cold to cancers, with its stimulating effects on the body’s defense elements. 

Which Propolis? 

It is not possible to use raw propolis directly without undergoing any treatment, as there are high rates of waxy and resinous substances in it. In treatment, extracts prepared with solvents should be used. In this case, the effect differs according to the method of preparation. Extracts prepared directly with water carry organic acids such as caffeic acid, ferulic acid and have antioxidant effects. Therefore, propolis extracts prepared with water can be effective in supporting general health. However, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), which is the main component responsible for the effects of Propolis and is known to help prevent and treat many diseases, including cancer, and some important flavonoids are not found in the extract prepared with water.

CAPE and these flavonoids are only found in alcoholic (70 percent ethanol, propylene glycol) extracts. Of course, in this case, its use is restricted, especially in children, due to the fact that it carries alcohol. Recently, Propolis products containing CAPE, which are prepared entirely by physical techniques without the use of alcohol, have been developed. 

If this type of Propolis products are consumed on an empty stomach, preferably by adding them to a glass of fruit juice every day in the morning, both the immune system can be activated and the microbes can be neutralized before they have a chance to multiply.


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