Medicinal Plants

Medicinal Plants

Pomegranate juice controls type-2 sugar and high blood pressure

The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and dyslipidemia (increase in the amount of cholesterol, total glyceride or LDL in the blood or decrease in the amount of HDL) in diabetic patients (type-2) is 2-4 times higher than in individuals without diabetes. Research shows that antioxidants can play a protective role in such cases. Among the antioxidants, pomegranate juice stands out with its rich anthocyanins and tannin-type components. In a newly published clinical study, the effect of pomegranate juice …
Medicinal Plants

Lettuce, a reliable solution to sleep problems in pregnant women

The most important need of the body for a healthy life is SLEEP. Conducted research reveals how important a quality sleep is, the duration and depth of sleep. It is known that insomnia, that is, insomnia, affects the quality of life negatively and causes physical and physiological problems such as fatigue, reluctance, and inability to concentrate. Sleep quality is affected by different factors at different stages of life. It is reported that 13-20 percent of pregnant women have sleep problems in the first trimester …
Medicinal Plants

Natural supplements in the treatment of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the important risk factors for cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. In the field studies conducted, it is seen that nutritional supplements are widely used instead of prescribed drugs or in addition to drug treatment in lowering blood pressure. In addition to the diet programs recommended for this purpose, especially antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and some herbal products are used. Reducing sodium (salt) consumption to less than 2.3 grams per day can reduce the risks of stroke and …
Medicinal Plants

Beneficial bacteria (Probiotics) and herbal teas

Scientific studies reveal that there are 10 times more bacteria than some of our own cells and 100 times more than others. While these beneficial bacteria are called “probiotics”, nutritious foods that enable the development of probiotics are also called “prebiotics”. It is essentially the opposite of the concept of antibiotics. While there is a meaning against the development of microorganisms with the prefix anti-; The prefix pro means that the microorganisms grow. At the meeting, I talked about how herbal teas affect probiotic bacteria. It …
Medicinal Plants

Eggshell membrane cures joint calcification

Joint calcification (osteoarthritis; OA) is a chronic health problem that negatively affects the quality of life of millions of patients around the world. Existing treatments are based on medications and adjuncts recommended only for relieving complaints. However, these drugs have limited effects as well as serious side effects. Among the auxiliary applications, applications such as physiotherapy, exercise and weight control can be partially beneficial in alleviating the complaints. In this respect, natural products are preferred among the more reliable options.  Among the natural product options, …
Medicinal Plants

Arugula may help treat high blood pressure

My choice as a salad has always been the lemon ROKA (Scientific name: Eruca sativa) salad. In fact, I think it would be unfair to describe arugula simply as a flavor that is enjoyed. As a matter of fact, the opinion that arugula can be useful in the treatment of various diseases is common in some societies. For example, in Pakistan, arugula is defined as a source of healing that is widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure and diabetes; arugula leaves …
Medicinal Plants

Great healing is hidden in the shepherd’s smashing fruit.

Shepherd's crasher, scientific name Tribulusterrestris, is a plant that has a wide distribution in the world. It is known that it is generally used as a heart strengthener, urinary increaser, oxidative damage in the body and sexual stimulant. In old documents belonging to traditional Indian and Chinese medicine systems, it is registered that it is applied in the treatment of post-stroke syndrome, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, edema and coronary artery disease. For this reason, most of the studies carried out to explain its …
Medicinal Plants

Aromatherapy: Natural Remedies for Acne Treatment

Acne is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects 80 percent of individuals ages 11-30 from adulthood to adulthood. The disease progresses in the form of seborrhea, non-inflammatory lesions (comedone), inflammatory lesions (papules, pustules, nodules, cysts) and causes negative psychosocial effects for people of all ages. Although the exact mechanism of acne formation is not known, it is reported that the inflammatory response induced by Propionibacterium Acnes (anaerobic bacteria) plays a fundamental role. In addition, Staphylococcus Epidermidis (aerobic bacteria) is defined as …
Medicinal Plants

Boswellia May Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Complaints

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome et al. It is a chronic disease that has negative effects on the quality of life of many patients, especially with complaints such as abdominal pain or irregularity in defecation functions. Although the causes are not fully known, the main symptoms are brain-intestinal axis irregularity, hypersensitivity, impaired bowel movements, low-grade mucosal inflammation, increased intestinal permeability and changing microbiota composition. In the treatment of IBS, a symptomatic approach is applied with diet, stress management, especially 5-HT3 …
Medicinal Plants

A fragrant solution to the problem of ringworm: Aromatherapy

Commonly known as ringworm or wormwood; The disease in which the hair is shed in rounded clusters on the scalp throughout the body, including the head and face areas, is called alopecia in the medical language. Although the disease does not have any contagious or life-threatening danger, it impairs the quality of life and causes social and psychological problems because it adversely affects the appearance of the patient, especially in the visible parts. The cause of the disease is not yet known exactly, …
Medicinal Plants

Karabamiya Tea for Those Who Want to Lose Weight

It is now clearly demonstrated by detailed scientific research that obesity or obesity is one of the main factors of various diseases, from diabetes to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Therefore, the desire to lose weight is a prerequisite for a healthy life beyond the desire to attain a fit and coveted body structure. In this respect, every year, various weight loss diets, exercises, products, drugs, surgical approaches constitute a billion-dollar market as the most popular applications.  Conducted studies reveal that among plant components, …
Medicinal Plants

Delicious Health Keepers Spices

Scientific research carried out today reveals that spices can be effective in protecting our health and in the treatment of some diseases, beyond being a flavor element.   Spices, which are an important component of our daily life as a flavor element of our meals, are defined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as follows: “With or without essential oil and flavoring components, fragmented or unbroken or used for the purpose of flavoring foods regardless of whether they have any …