Boswellia May Help With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Complaints

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome et al. It is a chronic disease that has negative effects on the quality of life of many patients, especially with complaints such as abdominal pain or irregularity in defecation functions. Although the causes are not fully known, the main symptoms are brain-intestinal axis irregularity, hypersensitivity, impaired bowel movements, low-grade mucosal inflammation, increased intestinal permeability and changing microbiota composition. In the treatment of IBS, a symptomatic approach is applied with diet, stress management, especially 5-HT3 antagonists, 5-HT4 agonists and antidepressant drugs to reduce complaints.

In a clinical study carried out in Italy, it was investigated whether frankincense resin (Boswellia serrata) could be effective in preventing or alleviating IBS complaints. The study was conducted on patients who complained of intermittent bowel movements (diarrhea and/or constipation) as well as abdominal pain for a maximum of 10 days per month for the last 8-14 months. Thirty-four patients (control group) received standard IBS treatment; diet, antispasmodic drugs (hyoscine butylbromide or papaverine hydrochloride and 10 milligrams belladonna) were prescribed for use when needed. In the other group with thirty-five diseases, tablets containing Boswellia extract were given in addition to the diet. This last group was also prescribed a tablet containing hyoscine butylbromide as a “rescue medicine” that they could use whenever needed. All patients initially In the third and sixth months, a change was observed in IBS complaints (recurrent abdominal pain, pain when pressed on the abdomen, irregular bowel movements, belching and abdominal cramps). In addition, the amount of the prescribed rescue medicine used, ultrasonic examination, some biochemical tests (occult blood in the stool, calprotectin in the stool) were applied.

While there were similar IBS complaints in both groups at the beginning, it was determined that the average complaints of the patients in the group given Boswellia tablets for 3 and 6 months were significantly reduced compared to the control group, except for “bowel movements”. It was observed that the need for rescue medication in this group of patients decreased significantly. Constipation was observed in 12 patients at the end of 3 months and 13 patients at the end of 6 months in the control group, while this number was found to be 2 at 3 months and 3 at 6 months in the Boswellia group.

In the evaluation made in the sixth month, an improvement of 59 percent in the control group and 17 percent in the Boswellia group was detected in the biochemical and ultrasonic examination findings. No adverse effects were observed in this process.

In order to support the effectiveness of the treatment, it has been proven by clinical studies that capsules containing medicinal mint, anise or fennel essential oils can be effective in the treatment of IBS. Again, if the use of antidepressants is needed for support, the use of St. John’s wort can be considered.


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