Nuts like walnuts promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria

The importance of regular consumption of nuts such as walnuts and peanuts in terms of protecting our health is revealed by scientific researches or epidemiological field studies. Recently, studies showing that these nuts also have positive contributions on the intestinal beneficial bacteria population, as a different benefit from what we know, draw attention. Scientific research carried out especially in the last 10 years reveals how important the beneficial bacteria (microbiota) in our intestines are for our health. For this reason, applications that will increase the number and effectiveness of microbiota are extremely important.   

In a new study conducted by the University of Munich Medical Center in Germany, healthy white men over 50 and postmenopausal women were selected according to certain characteristics (non-smoker, non-nut allergy, body mass index below 35, blood lipid values ​​within certain limits. It was conducted on 194 individuals. First, a nut-free diet was given for four weeks. Afterwards, she was given a walnut-containing diet for eight weeks. Recently, she was given a walnut diet for eight weeks, followed by a four-week washout diet with no nuts. During this research period of 24 months in total, feces were collected at regular intervals and the differentiation in microbiota contents was examined. 

With the application of a walnut-containing diet, Ruminococcaceae spp., known as beneficial bacteria in the intestines. and Bifidibacteriaceae group bacteria were found to increase. Beneficial substances such as butyric acid produced by this group of bacteria from indigestible polysaccharides such as dietary fibers play a nutritional role for intestinal epithelial cells. It is also reported that the inflammatory response in the intestines is reduced. On the other hand, it has been observed that a significant decrease can be achieved in the number of some bacteria that adversely affect intestinal health. Among those whose amount decreased, the Firmicut group (Lachnospiraceae) bacteria, which were found to be dominant in obese individuals, as well as Blautia sp., Anaerostipes sp. exists. 

In fact, this positive effect on the gut microbiota is not limited to walnuts. In previous studies, it has been observed that nuts such as pistachios and sweet almonds have a beneficial effect by converting butyric acid in the intestines in the same way as walnuts. It has been determined that the effect of pistachio is higher than that of sweet almond.


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