Karabamiya Tea for Those Who Want to Lose Weight

It is now clearly demonstrated by detailed scientific research that obesity or obesity is one of the main factors of various diseases, from diabetes to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Therefore, the desire to lose weight is a prerequisite for a healthy life beyond the desire to attain a fit and coveted body structure. In this respect, every year, various weight loss diets, exercises, products, drugs, surgical approaches constitute a billion-dollar market as the most popular applications. 

Conducted studies reveal that among plant components, especially flavonoids and phenolic acids have weakening (antiobesity) effects. Hibiscus Sabdariffa, with its scientific name called “okra flower” in our country, is actually not the same as the “okra” we know. Red sepals of another relative of the same family growing in Senegal and Sudan in Africa. For this reason, it is more correct to call it “Carabamia” or “African Okra”. Karabamia flower is frequently used as a natural colorant and antioxidant in the food industry in our country to give a red color to jams and candies, as well as beverages such as tea. It is known to be used in the treatment of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases among the people in Africa, and scientific researches also confirm these effects. 

In addition to anthocyanins (hibiskin, goscypicyanin, cyanidin diglycoside, delphinicin) that give the red color of the sepals of the plant, organic acids (hydroxycitric acid, hibiscus acid), phenolic acids (chlorogenic, ellagic, protocatechuic, caffeic acids) and other flavonoids (keracetin, hibiscite) ) are reported to be components responsible for the attenuating effect.  

In the studies carried out, the effectiveness of the carob flower on blood sugar and blood lipid values ​​has been proven on both experimental animals and humans. It has been observed that obese mice fed with chamomile tea cause weight loss. In mice given a high-fat fattening diet and restricted movement (similar to people who do not like to eat a lot of junk food and do not like to walk), it was observed that when the chamomile tea is applied, it reduces adipose adipose tissue storage and prevents adiposity in the liver (the mode of action is by suppressing PPAR-gamma expression and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway). reduces fat cell production). In another study, it is reported that blood sugar and lipid values ​​[triglyceride, bad cholesterol (LDL)] decreased in rats treated with alcoholic extract of Caroboria flower. 

Studies carried out on humans also reveal the effectiveness of the tea from the Karabamia flower. It is reported that a decrease in body weight, a decrease in the blood values ​​of free fatty acids and an improvement in fatty liver can be achieved when 1 gram of the aqueous extract of Karabamia flower is given to people with fatty liver disease (steatosis) for 3 months. Of course, you do not have to consume only the aqueous extract, the dry plant can also be used by powdering. In metabolic syndrome patients, which is known as an important health problem today, it was observed that 100 milligrams of Carob powder a day for a month reduced blood sugar and total cholesterol levels, and increased the level of good cholesterol (HDL) compared to the control group.  

Undoubtedly, it should not be thought of excessive consumption of Karabamia flower “in order to weaken it”. It will be appropriate to contribute to your health by preparing tea from the quality of the Karabamiya flower, which is reliable for your daily diet, and drinking 2-3 glasses a day. But it would be wrong to think that you can lose weight just by drinking Karabamia flower tea.

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