Month Archives: June 2022

Medicinal Plants

Pomegranate juice controls type-2 sugar and high blood pressure

The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and dyslipidemia (increase in the amount of cholesterol, total glyceride or LDL in the blood or decrease in the amount of HDL) in diabetic patients (type-2) is 2-4 times higher than in individuals without diabetes. Research shows that antioxidants can play a protective role in such cases. Among the antioxidants, pomegranate juice stands out with its rich anthocyanins and tannin-type components. In a newly published clinical study, the effect of pomegranate juice …
Medicinal Plants

Lettuce, a reliable solution to sleep problems in pregnant women

The most important need of the body for a healthy life is SLEEP. Conducted research reveals how important a quality sleep is, the duration and depth of sleep. It is known that insomnia, that is, insomnia, affects the quality of life negatively and causes physical and physiological problems such as fatigue, reluctance, and inability to concentrate. Sleep quality is affected by different factors at different stages of life. It is reported that 13-20 percent of pregnant women have sleep problems in the first trimester …