Month Archives: December 2021

Medicinal Plants

What do you know about okra seed?

These days, many people ask what I think about okra seeds. Honestly, okra is a vegetable that I like to eat, but I wasn't particularly interested in its seeds. In our field studies in Turkey, a healer said that if fresh fruits are eaten without cooking, they heal stomach ulcers. We observed that this information was effective when we tried it on the ulcer model we created in experimental animals. As a matter of fact, later on, German researchers published a study stating that …
Medicinal Plants

Nuts like walnuts promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria

The importance of regular consumption of nuts such as walnuts and peanuts in terms of protecting our health is revealed by scientific researches or epidemiological field studies. Recently, studies showing that these nuts also have positive contributions on the intestinal beneficial bacteria population, as a different benefit from what we know, draw attention. Scientific research carried out especially in the last 10 years reveals how important the beneficial bacteria (microbiota) in our intestines are for our health. For this reason, applications that will …